Polished Concrete

Polished concrete is a concrete that has been treated with a chemical densifier and ground with progressively finer grinding tools. Polished concrete is considered a good sustainable design flooring option because it makes use of the materials already present. Polishing the exposed concrete eliminates the energy and material consumed by applying a floor covering. It is something to consider when building or modernizing towards a more green solution. Polished concrete floors are low-maintenance, as they are more durable and easier to clean than many flooring options. Its relatively high coefficient of friction can make it non-slippery.

Benefits of Polished Concrete

Polished concrete flooring has long been enjoyed in warehouse and industrial facilities due to its low cost, high durability, long life, and abrasion resistant nature. Only recently, with the invention of the dry concrete polishing system, has the market shifted where polished concrete is now being enjoyed by residential, retail, and decorative markets, too. The aesthetic beauty and stone-like finish can be enjoyed by designers and plant managers alike.

Elimination of dusting from efflorescence. In ordinary unpolished concrete, tiny particles of dust are pushed to the surface through an upward force. This is more commonly known as concrete dusting. Dusting forces epoxies off of the surface of concrete floors, and can make maintenance a costly priority.

Transformation of porous concrete into a dense surface that inhibits water, oil and other contaminants from penetrating the surface.

Increased strength, for old, deteriorating, weak concrete finishes, with more abrasion resistance (ASTM C779) and an increase in impact resistance (ASTM C805-97), as well. There are dozens of ways for concrete floors to break as they age: rain damage, surface stress, delamination, improper curing, curled cold joints, joint shoulder failure...the list goes on. The Natural Wonder Floor System process actually removes the top part of the surface of the old concrete floor (including any patchy, partial, or whole coatings), and hardens the exposed surface beneath. Old, deteriorating, or weak concrete is strengthened, and its impact and abrasion resistance is increased.

Increased ambient lighting which will naturally enhance the beauty of your floor and reduce the cost of lighting. One of our facilities actually reported that they were able to turn off every third light in their facility, saving them over $1000 in energy costs a year!

Higher levels of co-efficient of friction than any coating on the market. Wet or dry, our polished concrete floor surfaces meet, and most often exceed, OSHA and ADA standards for slip resistance. Kept clean and clear of debris, polished concrete floors tend to be less slippery than waxed surfaces.

Elimination of tire marks from fork trucks, vehicles and industrial type hoppers and parts baskets. When a forklift burns out on a coated floor, the friction caused between its tire and the surface leaves a mark. This does't occur on a polished concrete floor as there are no resins to burn on the surface.

Decrease in overall fork truck tire wear and tear (due to the smoothness of the floor and the leveled “curling” joints). In heavy industrial facilities, rough and uneven surfaces cause tires to wear out rather quickly. Most concrete floors have small "curling" joints, from where the concrete bows upward on the edges during concrete curing. Getting a Natural Wonder Floor System on these areas will level the joints and make the entire surface smooth, making tires last much longer.

Decrease in floor maintenance and less drag on cleaning equipment making brushes, pads and mops last longer. Most floor systems, even ordinary concrete floors, require aggressive scrubbing in order to maintain a clean environment and nice appearance. Oil, paint, and other staining spills can leave lasting impressions on most surfaces. A Natural Wonder Concrete Floor System doesn't require this intense scrubbing -- the surface is so tightly compacted that it actually repels oils and other substances. This makes cleaning much easier and a maintenance schedule less demanding than with other floors.

Polished areas can be put into service immediately after the process is complete. Due to the cleanliness of the process and the lack of toxic or hazardous chemicals, we have helped food manufacturing corporations, pharmaceutical manufacturers and other medical supply corporations meet the strict condition standards that their floors require. In many cases we install the polished concrete floor system while the plant is in full production. We have even applied this floor system in hospitals with patients, family and hospital staff walking on the floors, without interruption to their daily routine and activity.

Polished concrete is one of the most economical, cost effective flooring alternatives out there. The reduced costs associated with saved energy, reduced tire wear, maintenance reduction, and especially the long-lasting durability shows that polished concrete is a budget sensible, as well as beautiful, flooring system.

No More Stripping and Waxing. With a polished concrete floor system there is no need to wax or strip the floor. All of your allocated maintenance labor and material costs for stripping and waxing can now be eliminated and added to your bottom line.

Polished concrete floors are second to none in durability and appearance. It is often mistaken for marble due to its smooth sleek surface. Its aesthetic value makes polished concrete a viable option for most facilities, whether it is an industrial manufacturing plant, government office building, or high-end grocer.

There is simply no comparison to other floor systems when it comes to the life of a polished concrete floor. Even the most durable carpet, linolium or VCT floors will require replacement at some time, whether it is ten or even twenty years later. Polished concrete floors will be there as long as the slab exists, whether that be forty, fifty, or one hundred years later. With proper maintenance and an occassional repolish, polished concrete floors provide savings short and long term.

Polished concrete is intrinsically green because it dematerializes a project, reducing the need to bring in additional coverings or coatings that end up in land-fills upon their eventual replacement. Perfect Polish’s Natural Wonder Floor System not only upholds aesthetically pleasing design but also aligns with the LEED rating system.

Developed By VIRALfever Interactive